

College is a great time in life - the greatest time you never get to have again. This whole time, I've been worrying that perhaps I haven't been taking it seriously enough. Or maybe I've been taking it too seriously?

Upon a few seconds' reflection, I think I'm taking this About page too seriously. What is The College Culprit? Well, it was conceived in flash of adrenaline-induced inspiration as I teetered dangerously on the precipice of a 10,000ft mountain with only small, protruding rocks and the occasional tree separating me from certain death. You're probably thinking that's absurd, and that there's no way that could possibly be true. Well, you know what? You're right!

I can't yet definitively say what the essence of this blog will be in its true and complete form. But for now I hope you can be satisfied with this answer: I aim to provide a humorous take on college life, with everything from lifestyle to academic advice. Going beyond that, I also take an interest in a lot of issues relevant to those of this generation, including the environment, society, science, and other interesting intellectual topics. I aim to inform and I aim to entertain with the right mix of fun, humorous stuff and intellectual, thought-provoking content. This About page should suffice for the time-being.

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